:) :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 @ 11:17 PM
This guy seems to think he's still my boyfriend... Helllooo... Chaz, you're my fiancé now!
Today was an amazing day! Chaz and I were able to take off of work today in order to spend the day together celebrating our 3 year anniversary! The day started a bit slow because Chaz had some plans for us but they were a little later in the day, so he was on the computer and I watched a little Game of Thrones. I was getting sleepy while waiting for it to be time to go so Chaz took a shower and we both got ready and left. He first took me to get my nails done! I got them a deep purple color and I love it. Made me feel good that my hands weren't looking gross while we were all dressed up. Then we headed to Easton and had PF Chang's for dinner. Expensive but soo delicious. We went and got Chaz's watch battery replaced and he got a jacket at Forever 21. I also found a giant red bow for when I hopefully dress as Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service for Ohayocon next year for less than $2!
We walked around a bit and debated getting smoothies but we were still too full from dinner so we went and sat at our bench outside of Tiffany's in front of the fountain. We were sitting there snuggling a little and Chaz said I love you Sam. I of course told him I loved him as well and he pulled a ring out of his pocket and got on his knee and said "will you marry me?" I COULDNT' BELIEVE IT! I first smiled so big and said yes and then I couldn't stop the tears. It's so relieving and amazing to know that the man you love loves you just as much and wants to spend his life with you! It was so magical because the waters on the fountains got so huge after I said yes! I told him I took that as a sign and it made me cry harder, happier tears. We took a picture of the ring and he sent it to his family and his mom called us crying and it made me cry more! I called my mom and my dad and they were happy for us! Pretty much everyone knew except for me :P I sent a mass text with a picture of the ring to my aunts and cousins and my brother and his wife. Everyone's so happy and supportive and I feel completely different now. I'm so excited to continue our lives together!
Labels: Chaz, relationship

Thursday, August 14, 2014 @ 1:31 AM
Tonight, well yesterday now, I did something somewhat spontaneous!
I had to work at the market today (Wednesday) from 10 to 2 and somewhat dreaded driving almost an hour into Columbus for a meeting at PromoWest to meet the new interns and hear a bunch of stuff I've heard before. I was trying to think of something to do in Columbus to make it worth driving all that way. While I was on my way, WNCI (one of Columbus' major radio stations)'s marketing worked on me - the DJ mentioned he was across from the arena where Katy Perry would be playing a concert doing a raffle for free tickets. I hurried over before my meeting to get my ticket into the raffle. He also mentioned that a few seats to the SOLD OUT show had just been released so I hit up the box office to see if some were still available in case I didn't win. I was in luck but the lady said the cheapest ones were $103, OUCH. I skipped out for now because I was going to be late to my meeting and I wanted to see if I would win first!
I went to my meeting and had some time to kill before the ticket drawing at 7PM sharp. I had some Jimmy Johns and debated getting slightly drunk to waste time but decided to keep my money (plus there was no room at ANY bar nearby, haha). So I sat around outside and I realized that the box office closed at 6PM, while I wouldn't know whether I won the drawing until 7PM. So I made the quick and very easy decision to just buy a ticket and go by myself instead of waiting to see if I had won a pair of tickets and trying to find someone to go with in a short amount of time.
I headed back to the box office and I told the new person at the window that I needed just one ticket and asked which was the cheapest. He said the cheapest was $83 and pointed to THE FLOOR SEATS! While the lady before him who mentioned the $103 ones pointed up in almost the nose bleed seats. I was so excited and yelled TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY in my mind. I of course didn't win the other pair so I headed inside and took my seat.
The concert was amazing - the production, lights, and stage performances - all of it! She even made me cry and think about some things during one of her songs. I sat near her family and it was cute watching them beam with pride. Katy has been through a lot to get where she is now and having watched her movie at a really hard time in my life, she has definitely helped inspire me to get through the shit and rise above it all. What happens, happens. And there are two sides to everything. And I'm better than I give myself credit for. I'm SO incredibly happy that I made the spontaneous decision to go to this show, and by myself, because I've been busy and constantly stressed so it was nice to forget the world for 3 hours. I definitely recommend seeing her and watching her movie. She's fucking awesome :D